The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

(62) stories found containing 'Heatherdale Resources'

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  • 2010 Mining Explorers: Niblack Mineral Development Inc.

    Updated Oct 31, 2010

    NIB: TSX-V President and CEO: John Williamson Chairman: John Robins Vice President, Exploration: Peter Kleespies The principle asset of Niblack Mineral Development Inc. (formerly CBR Gold Corp) is the Niblack copper-gold-zinc-silver project on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. Heatherdale Resources Ltd., (see Heatherdale Resources) a subsidiary of Hunter Dickinson Inc. (see Hunter Dickinson), joined Niblack Mineral Development in 2009 to advance exploration at the precious metals-rich volcanic massive sulfide...

  • Explorer seeks to unify Delta geology

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2010

    Hunter Dickinson Inc. has set out to bring continuity to the disjointed picture that geologists have of the precious metals-rich Delta volcanogenic massive sulfide property in the eastern Alaska Range about 36 miles, or 58 kilometers southwest of Tok, Alaska. Over the past 35 years, geologists representing a throng of mining companies have traversed the Delta project investigating the promising mineralization known to exist there. This exploration, which includes 23,711 meters...

  • Explorer expands metal-rich VMS at Niblack

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Aug 29, 2010

    Heatherdale Resources Ltd., a subsidiary of Hunter Dickinson Inc., is living up to its pledge to aggressively explore the Niblack copper-gold-silver-zinc project on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. Some 18,000 meters of drilling completed by the junior over the past year traced nearly 1,000 meters of precious metal-rich volcanic massive sulfide mineralization under Lookout Mountain. Heatherdale optioned the project from CBR Gold Corp. (now Niblack Mineral...

  • Kensington joins ranks of big producers

    Curt Freeman, For Mining News|Updated Jul 25, 2010

    Two seminal events related to the Alaska mining industry occurred in the past month. First, in late June, Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp. reported the commencement of production at it Kensington gold mine near Juneau. The mine has now joined the ranks of large-scale producers here in Alaska but only after lots of years and lots of dollars, capped by a trip to the U.S. Supreme Court! Hat's off to Coeur for its commitment to Alaska and for its desire to do this job right. Secondly,...

  • Summertime, and the miners are busy

    Curt Freeman, For Mining News|Updated Jun 27, 2010

    As the long-awaited summer solstice comes and goes, Alaska's mining industry is deep in the midst of its summer exploration, development and production programs. Mineral exploration programs are under way from far Southeast Alaska to the Brooks Range, from eastern Interior Alaska to the Seward Peninsula. The commodities being explored for, developed and mined are equally diverse and include gold, silver, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, platinum and palladium. Two new exploration...

  • Alaskans make pitch at top mining show

    Curt Freeman, For Mining News|Updated Mar 28, 2010

    I recently attended the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada convention in Toronto where a buoyant, project-hungry crowd of 22,000 created enough of its own hot air to start the Greenland Icecap melting. In a clear case of anthropogenic global warming, representatives of companies, governments and agencies rolled out their projects in efforts to see and be seen. Alaska was well represented at the conference and should see some new investment interest coming from...

  • New year, decade brings opportunities

    Curt Freeman, For Mining News|Updated Jan 17, 2010

    As we plunge headlong into a new year and a new decade, the broad economic indicators for the mining industry suggest continued strong prices for most commodities in 2010 followed by slightly lower average prices in 2011 and beyond as supplies catch up to demand. Not surprisingly, the source of much of the commodities demand will be Asia with China and India being the two leading economic engines driving commodity prices. Where Alaska's mining industry fits into this global...

  • Junior plans drilling program at Niblack

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Dec 20, 2009

    Heatherdale Resources Ltd., the Hunter Dickinson subsidiary that joined forces with CBR Gold Corp. on the Niblack project, plans an aggressive exploration campaign at the copper-gold-silver-zinc project on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. "One of the hallmarks of a Hunter Dickinson program is that when we get involved with a project where the project warrants an aggressive, substantial program to move the project forward quickly and aggressively, but obviously...

  • Mining Explorers 2009: A year of transition for CBR Gold

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Nov 1, 2009

    Consolidating its name to CBR Gold Corp. and its shares on a 5-to-1 basis, 2009 was a transitional year for the Vancouver B.C.-based junior formerly known as Committee Bay Resources Ltd. With the transition complete in February, CBR Gold management began brainstorming for the best approach to move forward at its two advanced exploration projects in North America; the Niblack gold-copper rich volcanogenic massive sulfide prospect on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska,...

  • Recession walloped exploration spending

    Curt Freeman, For Mining News|Updated Oct 25, 2009

    As the active exploration season winds down in Alaska, both good news and bad is afoot and both sets of news turn out to be the same data. Double speak you say? Read on and judge for yourself. Halifax-based Metals Economics Group announced some preliminary numbers relating to worldwide mineral industry exploration for 2009. The group estimates that worldwide exploration spending will drop to US$8.4 billion in 2009, a 40 percent decrease from the US$14 billion spent in 2008....

  • JV partners plan exploration at Niblack

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Aug 30, 2009

    Hunter Dickinson has joined forces with CBR Gold Corp. to resume exploration of the Niblack copper-gold-silver-zinc project on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. Heatherdale Resources Ltd., a privately owned subsidiary of Hunter Dickinson, has agreed to spend US$15 million over the next three years to advance the Niblack project in exchange for a 51 percent stake in the precious-metals-rich volcanic massive sulfide deposit. "We are very pleased to be initiating a...

  • Miners miss out on ample opportunities

    Curt Freeman, For Mining News|Updated Jun 28, 2009

    I have been reading the tea leaves and think there is an extremely important sequence of events unfolding that represents a golden opportunity for Alaska. Please bear with me as I try to wade through the logic of this and you can tell me what you think. About two months ago, Brent Cook, a well-known mining analyst and owner of Exploration Insights, published a rather illuminating article entitled "Where Have All the Gold Mines Gone?" The upshot of his article was that most...