The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Mining Explorers 2012: Anthill Resources Ltd.

President: Ming An Fu

Chief Geologist: John Li, Ph.D.

Project Manager: Carl Schulze, P.Geo

Founded in 2009, Anthill Resources Ltd. is a privately held mining investment company focused on the Einarson Project located in east-central Yukon Territory adjacent to the Rackla Project being explored by ATAC Resources Ltd. Multiple Carlin pathfinder anomalies are found here in a Carlin-favorable geological setting.

Anthill optioned Einarson, a package of 11,597 claims covering more than 2,400 square kilometers (926 square miles) from Yukon prospector Ron Berdahl who staked it on the premise that the mineralized horizon observed by Atac would extend farther east.

In 2012 Anthill followed up its first season in 2011 where it identified 10 exploration targets with test results from rock, silt and soil samples as high as 750 parts-per-billion gold.

In early August, Anthill had identified a strong gold-in-soil anomaly with values as high as 87.2 grams per metric ton gold in rock samples in Target D2; a gold zone (Bachelor Zone) found in Target A with values as high as 9.27 g/t gold; a strong gold-in-soil anomaly in Target D1; and significant values of silver, zinc and copper in several of the targets.

In all, Anthill said it found values in 911 of 1,200 rock samples, 2,997 of 6,425 soil samples, and 89 of 1,100 silt samples.

Like the Osiris and Conrad zones at Rackla, the D-2 prospect has orpiment and realgar in gold-rich mineralization that appears to be hosted in dolostone with a lot of sphalerite and galena in veining with calcite.

Anthill also planned to drill holes on Targets A, D and E in 2012, spending C$5 million on exploration at Einarson in 2012, after sinking C$2 million into staking the property in 2011.

Anthill Resources Ltd.

1090 999 West Hastings St.

Vancouver, B. C. Canada V6C 2W2

Tel: 604-569-0608 • Fax: 604-569-0608


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