The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Best hole drilled so far at Saddle North

North of 60 Mining News – January 11, 2019

GT Gold Corp. Jan. 9 reported the best hole drilled so far at the Saddle North porphyry gold-copper discovery on the company's Tatogga property in British Columbia's Golden Triangle.

TTD109, the deepest hole drilled so far at Saddle North, cut 1,149.7 meters averaging 0.62 grams per metric ton gold, 0.36 percent copper and 1.17 g/t silver starting from a depth of 11.33 meters. This includes 342.5 meters of 1.28 g/t gold, 0.57 percent copper and 2.3 g/t silver from a depth of 740 meters.

"As with previous holes from Saddle North, our final hole of the 2018 Saddle North drill program delivers an exceptional porphyry-style gold-copper intercept and it's a great way to begin 2019," said GT Gold Vice President of Exploration Charles Greig. "Hole 109 confirms we have a large, high-grade system with grades increasing to depth."

• TTD085, a hole reported earlier this year, cut 822.2 meters averaging 0.42 g/t gold, 0.26 percent copper and 0.62 g/t silver about 200 meters southeast of hole 109. This long intercept included 430 meters of 0.67 g/t gold, 0.41 percent copper and 0.89 g/t silver from 493 meters.

• TTD093, drilled just northwest of hole 109, cut 904.1 meters averaging 0.51 g/t gold, 0.3 percent copper and 0.93 g/t silver from a depth of 15 meters. This intercept includes 363.1 meters of 1.02 g/t gold, 0.51 percent copper and 1.72 g/t silver from 514.9 meters.

• TTD098, drilled further southeast and extended the mineralization cut in hole 85 about 200 meters deeper, cut 685 meters averaging 0.4 g/t gold, 0.26 percent copper and 1.03 g/t silver from a depth of 473 meters. This long intercept included 280.84 meters of 0.65 g/t gold, 0.38 percent copper and 1.52 g/t silver from 788.38 meters.

• TTD102, the most northwest hole drilled at Saddle North so far, cut 357.49 meters averaging 0.42 g/t gold, 0.23 percent copper and 0.45 g/t silver from a depth of 531.9 meters.

• TTD108, a hole collared about 300 meters north of hole 109, cut 323.84 meters of 0.43 g/t gold, 0.32 percent copper and 1.09 g/t silver from a depth of 4.07 meters.

The 11 holes drilled at Saddle North demonstrates the high-grade core zone extends for at least 500 meters along strike. This core lies within a 700-meter-thick strongly mineralized envelope that has been traced by drilling for more than 650 meters along strike and for more than 1,300 meters down-dip.

"In just our first 11 holes at Saddle North we have outlined a truly significant copper-gold mineralized system consisting of a large, northwest-southeast trending zone encompassing an extensive high-grade core dipping and/or plunging steeply west-southwest," said Greig. "As hole 108 has already shown, the higher-grade mineralization comes very close to surface, and a high-grade core, hundreds of meters thick, has now been demonstrated in our deeper holes."

GT Gold is currently compiling and interpreting the 2018 drill results from Saddle North and has begun planning the 2019 drill program for this exciting porphyry gold-copper discovery in northwestern British Columbia.

Results for another 22 holes drilled at the high-grade Saddle South gold-silver target area of the Tatogga property are expected to be released the end of January.



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