The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

New gold zone discovered at Klaza

Could grow resources at Rockhaven's southern Yukon project North of 60 Mining News – January 15, 2021

Rockhaven Resources Ltd. Jan. 13 announced the discovery of a new vein complex at its Klaza gold-silver property in southern Yukon.

Located on placer gold mining roads about 50 kilometers (31 miles) west of Carmacks, Klaza is an advance staged exploration project that hosts 4.46 million metric tons of indicated resource averaging 4.8 grams per metric ton (686,000 oz) gold and 98 g/t (14.1 million oz) silver; plus 5.71 million metric tons of inferred resource averaging 2.8 g/t (507,000 oz) gold and 76 g/t (13.9 million oz) silver. These resources also contain a small amount of zinc and lead.

This resource was the basis for a 2020 preliminary economic assessment for an economically robust mine at Klaza. Detailed drilling of other known mineralized structures on the Klaza property to build additional mineral resource was among the enhancement opportunities outlined in the PEA.

Further details on the Klaza PEA can be read at Robust PEA for Klaza mine in the Yukon in the July 17 edition of North of 60 Mining News.

Rockhaven's 2020 program included 6,042 meters of diamond drilling in 22 holes that focused on the evaluation of targets that lie outside of the Klaza deposit.

This includes ten holes at Rusk, a previously undrilled target about 3,000 meters south of the Klaza deposit that is delineated by a large geochemical anomaly that is transected by linear magnetic lows and very low frequency electromagnetic geophysical conductors similar to those marking the main mineralized zones that make up the Klaza deposit.

In addition, Rusk lies alongside the largest placer gold mine in the Mount Nansen gold camp.

Rockhaven says all eight holes that reached targeted depth cut gold-silver-zinc-lead mineralization at Rusk. Highlights from these holes include:

One meter averaging 2.1 g/t gold, 657 g/t silver, 12.98% lead, and 6.17% zinc from a depth of 82.6 meters in hole KL-20-469.

9.8 meters averaging 1.42 g/t gold, 30.7 g/t silver, 0.48% lead, and 0.60% zinc from a depth of 35.4 meters in hole KL-20-470.

0.63 meters averaging 16.35 g/t gold, 321 g/t silver, 1.98% lead, and 1.01% zinc from a depth of 123.9 meters in hole KL-20-470.

0.5 meters averaging 7.08 g/t gold, 884 g/t silver, 5.37% lead, and 5.79% zinc from a depth of 61 meters in hole KL-20-471.

5.65 meters averaging 2.05 g/t gold, 129 g/t silver, 2.29% lead, and 4.67% zinc from a depth of 201 meters in hole KL-20-471.

0.7 meters averaging 4.43 g/t gold, 1,230 g/t silver, 0.51% lead, and 0.41% zinc from a depth of 53.5 meters in hole KL-20-473.

"The discovery of an entirely new vein system in a previously undrilled area is a game-changer and demonstrates the exceptional exploration potential at Klaza," said Rockhaven Resources President and CEO Matt Turner.

Based on the results from this initial phase of drilling at Rusk, the company is planning for additional drilling at this target in 2021. This systematic drilling will primarily focus on expanding the highest grade zones, specifically those cut by holes KL-20-469, -470, -471 and -473. This area is covered by a thin layer of overburden, which will aid in both drill efficiencies and permit the use of excavator trenching, an effective exploration tool at Klaza.

"Systematic drilling of the relatively close-spaced Rusk veins should rapidly build on the known gold and silver resources already established on the property," said Turner.

Results from twelve additional holes drilled during the 2020 drill program at Klaza are pending.

Author Bio

Shane Lasley, Publisher

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Over his more than 16 years of covering mining and mineral exploration, Shane has become renowned for his ability to report on the sector in a way that is technically sound enough to inform industry insiders while being easy to understand by a wider audience.


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