The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Drilling underway at Tibbs gold project

Tectonic starts 2021 program with oriented core at Michigan North of 60 Mining News – July 2, 2021

Tectonic Metals Inc. June 28 announced the start of 2021 drilling at Tibbs, a gold exploration project about 22 miles (35 kilometers) southeast of Northern Star Resources Ltd.'s high-grade Pogo gold mine in Alaska's Goodpaster Mining District.

This year's program at Tibbs is currently slated to include the drilling of 3,000 meters of oriented core in two phases separated by a TITAN-24 geophysical survey.

"Tibbs hosts some of the highest tenor gold anomalies in the Goodpaster and evidence of compelling Pogo-style vein mineralization," said Tectonic Metals President and CEO Tony Reda. "For the first time these targets will be subject to testing with oriented core diamond drilling."

This oriented core will provide new insights into the geology and structures at known high-grade targets, as well as newly defined or reinterpreted structural and geochemical anomalies across the property.

Drilling started at Michigan, a zone where reconnaissance rotary air blast carried out by Tectonic last year cut 9.1 meters averaging 6.71 grams per metric ton gold, 12.9 meters averaging 2.61 g/t gold, and 7.6 meters averaging 3.73 g/t gold.

This year's drilling is focused on identifying controls on high-grade gold mineralization through oriented core drilling and stepping out to the southwest along the interpreted trend of the Michigan structure that has been traced for about 275 meters along strike.

Other Tibbs targets slated for drilling this year include:

Gray Lead – Oriented diamond drilling will help determine structural controls and continuity at Gray Lead, where Pogo-style veins have been traced for 250 meters along strike and to a depth of 120 meters and remains open.

Wolverine – A roughly 800- by 1,000-meter gold-in-soil where a previously unknown east-west trending structure was recently identified running across the highest-tenor soil anomaly on the Tibbs property.

Johnson Saddle – High-grade soil and rock anomalies, including a 5.9 g/t gold rock sample with associated bismuth and tungsten uncovered in Tectonic's 2018 trenching program, have been identified at this prospect.

West Trench – A high-tenor gold-in-soil anomaly with coincident arsenic, bismuth, and tungsten was discovered last year in gneissic rocks cut by a diorite dike about 1,200 meters west of the Lower Trench zone.

The second phase of drilling will test targets generated by the TITAN survey, which will be focused on identifying low-angle structures similar to those that carry most of the high-grade gold ore at Pogo within the unexplored gneissic rocks in the western portion of Tibbs.

Author Bio

Shane Lasley, Publisher

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Over his more than 16 years of covering mining and mineral exploration, Shane has become renowned for his ability to report on the sector in a way that is technically sound enough to inform industry insiders while being easy to understand by a wider audience.


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