The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Avidian wraps up Golden Zone 2021 season

3,288m of RC drilling from 27 holes, extends MEZ by 200m North of 60 Mining News – October 22, 2021

Avidian Gold Corp. Oct. 21 announced that it has wrapped up 2021 exploration at Golden Zone, a gold-rich polymetallic exploration project strategically located midway between Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska, and only 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) west of the paved Parks Highway, Alaska Railroad, and the 345 kilovolt Alaska Intertie power lines.

This year's program included 3,288 meters of reverse circulation (RC) drilling in 27 holes that tested the Mayflower Extension Zone (MEZ), Copper King, and Long Creek areas as a follow-up to successful drilling conducted in 2017-18.

The company ended the year by extending the strike length of MEZ by 200 meters.

The primary objective of the 17-hole 2021 MEZ drill program was to continue defining mineralization, as it is believed to have the highest potential to add additional gold ounces proximal to Breccia Pipe, the most advanced deposit at Golden Zone.

According to a 2016 calculation, Breccia Pipe hosts an NI 43-101 indicated resource of 4.19 million metric tons at 1.99 grams per metric ton (267,400 ounces) gold, plus an inferred resource of 1.35 million metric tons at 0.83 g/t (35,900 oz) gold.

Previous drilling at MEZ, which extends northeast from Breccia Pipe, cut 21.6 meters averaging 1.46 g/t gold and 17.7 meters of 2.12 g/t gold.

Five holes drilled in the northeastern most portion of MEZ encountered visible sulfides and alteration in the conglomeratic unit that appears similar to replacement style drilled in previous years. These holes extend the mineralized zone to the northeast by an additional 200 meters from previous drilling.

Near the southwestern most portion, three holes drilled also encountered visible sulfides and alteration similar to central MEZ, thereby extending the mineralized zone 100 meters to the southwest, giving the zone a total strike length of approximately 600 meters adjacent to Breccia.

If assay results are positive, Avidian says it will consider undertaking a preliminary resource that could add to the already existing NI 43-101 compliant resource at Breccia Pipe.

Roughly 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) south of Breccia Pipe lie the Copper King and Long Creek prospects, where ten additional RC holes were completed; five of these targeting replacement style mineralization in the conglomeratic unit along 800 meters of strike length.

Varying amounts of pyrite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite were noted in four of the holes.

The other five holes were drilled to further test a prospective quartz-eye porphyry granite and a controlled-source audio-frequency magnetotelluric (CSAMT) anomaly. This overall area was previously recognized as having the potential to host a large-scale deposit of porphyry affiliation based on grab samples, trenches, and drill results.

The quartz-eye porphyry granite was encountered in six holes and is much more extensive than was previously realized, reports Avidian. As mineralization is believed to be related to this granite, the abundance is considered to enhance the prospectivity of this area.

Nine out of 10 holes appear to have intersected mineralization.

Besides the drilling, Avidian contracted Pioneer Exploration Consultants Ltd. to fly an additional 1,200-line-kilometers of high-resolution drone airborne magnetometer survey to augment the existing 588-line-kilometers flown in 2020.

Additionally, company geologists completed detailed field mapping, prospecting, and sampling on select locations in the southwest part of the property to follow up on previous reconnaissance mapping and sampling initiatives that yielded highly anomalous gold and copper results.

Avidian reports a separate press release will follow, elaborating on these new discovery areas.


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