The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Snowline cuts CN Tower-long gold intercept

Longest interval so far in the Valley Zone on Rouge project North of 60 Mining News – March 3, 2023

Snowline Gold Corp. Feb. 24 announced its latest preliminary assay results from the 2022 drilling program at Rogue, reporting one hole that exceeded expectations and resulted in the longest continuously mineralized interval drilled at the Valley target to date.

Found within the Selwyn Basin near Yukon's eastern border with Northwest Territories, Rogue is an 11,227-hectare (27,743 acres) property that comprises 442 mineral claims with a main block that covers a roughly nine-kilometer (5.6 miles) trend of metamorphic rock hornfels complemented by anomalous gold in rocks, soils, and stream sediment samples.

The primary target of interest is Valley, an intrusive stock with sheeted gold-bearing quartz veins within the intrusion and visible gold found in sulfide veins in the surrounding hornfels.

The most recent results come from the next set of holes collared from Valley, and one of them has returned mineralization the length of Toronto's CN Tower.

Reaching depths as far as 563 meters down into the earth, hole V-22-029 returned 558.7 meters averaging 1.26 grams per metric ton gold, from the top of bedrock at 4.4 meters. This includes 202 meters averaging 2.04 g/t gold.

"V-22-029 exceeded our expectations, intersecting strong mineralization much higher in the hole than we originally anticipated and continuing to significant depth," said Snowline Gold CEO Scott Berdahl. "It's the longest continuously mineralized interval we've drilled at Valley to date, and like many of Valley's best holes the interval begins at bedrock surface.

"For perspective, I invite anybody visiting Toronto for PDAC to look at the CN Tower, which stands 553.3 meters tall, just shy of the length of this mineralized interval."

Collared within the Valley intrusion and to the north of the known near-surface well-mineralized corridor, this hole was a 207-meter step-back along section to the northeast from the collar stie of V-22-010 – which cut 318.8 meters averaging 2.55 g/t gold and included 108 meters averaging 4.14 g/t gold from surface.

Designed to test the local width of the array of steeply dipping, northwest-striking mineralized quartz veins, with this an area that tested multiple holes.

In addition to 029, Snowline reported another intercept; however, the company says that V-22-024, that was drilled outside the Valley intrusion, returned no significant results.

"The scale, grade and continuity of the gold system at Valley continue to impress us, and we look forward to additional results," added Berdahl.

Assays are pending for three holes drilled at Rogue, along with surface results from various targets and properties in Snowline's portfolio.


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