The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

(166) stories found containing 'Pebble Limited Partnership'

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  • Pebble Partnership PEA preliminary economic assessment Bristol Bay copper mine

    PEA reveals Pebble economics, benefits

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Oct 29, 2023

    The Pebble Mine project advanced to the final step of the permitting process would produce 320 million pounds of copper; 363,000 ounces of gold; 15 million pounds of molybdenum; 1.8 million oz of silver; and 12,000 kilograms of rhenium annually over the first 20 years of mining, according to the results of a new preliminary economic assessment published by Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. on Sept. 9. In addition to the proposed 20-year-mine submitted for permitting, the PEA...

  • Pebble Limited Partnership Northern Dynasty Minerals USACE ROD EIS Bristol Bay

    Army Corps assigns new officer for Pebble

    A.J. Roan, Mining News|Updated Sep 30, 2021

    In the most recent update on Pebble Limited Partnership’s administrative appeal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. reported it has been assigned a new review officer for the appeal of the federal agency’s issuance of a negative record of decision for the world-class copper-gold project in Southwest Alaska. Following last November’s negative record of decision by Army Corps, Pebble Partnership submitted a request for appeal of the federal permi...

  • Northern Dynasty Minerals Pebble Limited Partnership Alaska earthquake 8.1

    Pebble stands firm after 8.1M earthquake

    A.J. Roan, Mining News|Updated Sep 30, 2021

    Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. says the recent 8.1 magnitude earthquake caused substantially less ground movement at the Pebble site than factored in during the designing of the proposed tailings facility for a future mine at this world-class copper project in Southwest Alaska. "We determined the 8.1M earthquake that occurred last month south of the Alaska Peninsula, about 300 miles from our site, create ground acceleration at Pebble that is 20 – 30 times less than the d...

  • Northern Dynasty Minerals ESG report Pebble Partnership mine Alaska copper map

    Northern Dynasty unveils Pebble ESG report

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated May 27, 2021

    Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. April 27 announced the publication of an environmental, social & governance report that outlines its 20-year commitment to environmentally sound and socially responsible development of the proposed Pebble copper-gold-molybdenum-silver-rhenium mine project in Southwest Alaska. "This ESG report is an effort to explain simply and directly, without embellishment, what NDM (Northern Dynasty Minerals) and PLP (Pebble Limited Partnership) have done in...

  • new oil Green Energy Revolution decarbonization Goldman Sachs critical minerals

    Mining new oil in Northern Copper Triangle

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated May 27, 2021

    Alaska, Northern British Columbia, and the Yukon are home to a dozen advanced stage exploration and mine projects hosting billions of pounds of copper ready to deliver to a world demanding massive amounts of this conductive metal for the green energy and electric mobility transition envisioned over the next three decades. In its report, "Copper is the new oil," Goldman Sachs forecasts that the electrification of transportation and decarbonization of electrical generation...

  • Superalloy critical rhenium metal Pebble mine project Bristol Bay Alaska

    Pebble hosts 90 years of durable rhenium

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Apr 23, 2021

    Rhenium is exceptionally resistant to heat and wear, characteristics that make it a vital ingredient in superalloys used in jet and industrial gas turbine engines. "The high-temperature properties of rhenium allow turbine engines to be designed with finer tolerances and operate at temperatures higher than those of engines constructed with other materials," the United States Geological Survey penned in a fact sheet on the critical metal. "These properties allow prolonged engine...

  • Pebble copper gold silver rhenium mine permitting Alaska EPA Army Corps

    Pebble urges due process by new EPA head

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Apr 22, 2021

    Pebble Limited Partnership is urging recently confirmed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan to support a full and fair permitting process for the Pebble mine project in Southwest Alaska. This project hosts 6.5 billion metric tons of measured and indicated resources averaging 0.4% (57 billion lb) copper, 0.34 grams per metric ton (71 million ounces) gold, 240 parts per million (3.4 billion lb) molybdenum, 1.7 g/t (345 million oz) silver, and 0.41...

  • Pebble Mine Partnership U.S. Army Corps of Engineers appeal Bristol Bay Alaska

    Pebble assails Corps economic findings

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Mar 25, 2021

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers does not subscribe to the idea that it is better for the residents of the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska to have worked and lost than never to have worked at all. In its public interest review for the Pebble project, Army Corps determined that some Bristol Bay residents that become accustomed to increased income and lower living costs from developing Pebble may be forced to move out of the region or lower their standard of living after...

  • Pebble Limited Partnership Alaska FEIS USACE ROD John Shively U.S. Army Corps

    Pebble appeals Army Corps rushed decision

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Feb 25, 2021

    Pebble Limited Partnership says the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' negative record of decision for Pebble is contrary to law, unprecedented in Alaska, and inconsistent with the agency's previous final environmental impact statement for the proposed copper-gold-molybdenum-silver-rhenium mine. "The FEIS found that the project can be developed without damage to the Bristol Bay fishery, a finding that was mostly ignored in the decision to deny Pebble a permit," said Pebble Limited...

  • Pebble Limited Parternship U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mike Dunleavy appeal

    Alaska to appeal Corps' Pebble decision

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Feb 18, 2021

    Alaska officials say the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers neglected to follow its own guidance when setting mitigations measures for Pebble and the state is appealing Army Corps' decision to deny federal permits required to develop a mine at the world-class metals deposit on state lands in Southwest Alaska. "The flawed decision by the Alaska District creates a dangerous precedent that will undoubtedly harm Alaska's future and, any potential project can fall victim to the same...

  • Pebble Limited Partnership Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Pebble Mine

    Pebble to appeal Corps' permit decision

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Dec 17, 2020

    Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. says the US Army Corps of Engineers' rejection of the compensatory mitigation plan submitted for the Pebble Mine project in Southwest Alaska is unlawful, unprecedented in Alaska, and unsupported by the administrative record. "I am very confident in saying I believe our CMP is both compliant with the Clean Water Act and fully responsive to the Corps' demand. So, we were shocked when they found our plan to be non-compliant, and even more so that...

  • Pebble Partnership Mine rod Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Ron Thiessen

    Pebble vows to appeal mine permit denial

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Dec 10, 2020

    Contending that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' decision to deny the major federal permit needed to develop the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska goes against the record established during the permitting process, Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Intends to pursue every appeal available to set the record straight. "It is our view that this decision, the process by which it was reached and the facts upon which it is based stand as a significant outlier from standard USACE...

  • Pebble Limited Partnership Bristol Bay Lisa Murkowski John Shively USACE

    Army Corps denies permit for Pebble Mine

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Dec 4, 2020

    In a major setback for building a mine at the largest undeveloped deposit of copper, gold, and rhenium known to exist on Earth, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has denied federal permits for the Pebble project in Southwest Alaska. Pebble has been roiled in controversy, largely due to its proximity to the Bristol Bay watershed, which hosts a world-class salmon fishery. Pebble proponents have said a modern mine could be developed that co-exists with fishery, while opponents...

  • Pebble copper mine permitting Alaska mitigation plan drilling

    Pebble submits final piece for fed permit

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Nov 25, 2020

    Pebble Limited Partnership has submitted a compensatory mitigation plan for Pebble, which is the final piece needed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to finalize a record of decision for the world-class copper-gold-molybdenum-silver-rhenium mine project in Southwest Alaska. Following publication of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for Pebble in July, the Army Corps sent Pebble Partnership a letter that details the need for "in kind" and "in watershed" mitigation for...

  • Pebble Tapes Pebble Partnership CEO Tom Collier resigns

    Pebble Tapes lead to Collier resignation

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Oct 8, 2020

    A pitch to deep-pocketed investors about the potential to develop a world-class mine at the Pebble copper project in Alaska turned out to be a clandestinely videotaped sting operation that compromised the integrity of Pebble Limited Partnership CEO Tom Collier. A pair of operatives for the Environmental Investigation Agency, a United Kingdom-based environmental group, posed as representatives of a Hong Kong-based investment firm with links to a company owned by the Chinese...

  • President Donald Trump gives thumbs up as he exits Air Force One

    Trump to Alaska: No Pebble Mine politics

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    U.S. President Donald Trump assured Alaskans that politics will not play a role in the federal permitting decision for the Pebble copper-gold-molybdenum-rhenium mine in Southwest Alaska. "Don't worry, wonderful & beautiful Alaska, there will be NO POLITICS in the Pebble Mine Review Process. I will do what is right for Alaska and our great Country!!!," Trump said in a late Wednesday tweet. This is in contrast to several premortem Pebble obituaries published by national news...

  • Pebble copper gold silver molybdenum rhenium mine project Bristol Bay

    Pebble Mine death grossly exaggerated

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    Much like Mark Twain, who quipped, "The report of my death was an exaggeration," when informed of his obituary in an American newspaper, Politico's report of the untimely demise of the Pebble Mine project in Southwest Alaska was grossly overstated. On Aug. 22 Politico reported, "The Trump administration is planning to block the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska early next week ... marking a surprise reversal that could be the death knell for the massive copper and gold project."...

  • President Trump White House talks about Pebble copper mine Alaska

    Trump to hear both sides of Pebble Mine

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    President Trump is expecting to be briefed on the proposed Pebble Mine and on Wednesday told reporters that he will "listen to both sides" of the world-class copper-gold-molybdenum project in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska. Pebble Partnership CEO Tom Collier said he welcomes a White House review of a final Environmental Impact Statement that details a mine at Pebble capable of extracting copper, gold, and other valuable metals found there without harming the...

  • Workers backpack across Pebble copper gold mine project Alaska

    Major milestone on long path for Pebble

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    The July 24 release of a final Environmental Impact Statement that details a mine at Pebble capable of extracting copper, gold, and other valuable metals from a world-class deposit in Southwest Alaska without harming the Bristol Bay salmon fishery is a landmark achievement for Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd., which has spent the better part of two decades advancing the project to this point. "We're ecstatic to reach this major milestone in the advancement of the Pebble Project...

  • Wind Solar renewable energy requires metals at Pebble Alaska

    Pebble could be a vital US metal supplier

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    With the federal permitting process coming to a close, it is becoming increasingly likely that a mine developed at the world-class Pebble project in Southwest Alaska could become a significant domestic source of copper, gold and other metals demanded by America's manufacturing sectors. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the lead federal regulator for permitting the Pebble Mine under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), published the final environmental impact statement...

  • Diamond Port Cook Inlet logistics for Pebble copper gold mine southwest Alaska

    Pebble inks transportation pact with APC

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    Taking another step along the path of establishing a mine at its world-class copper-gold- molybdenum-silver deposit in Southwest Alaska, Pebble Limited Partnership signed a memorandum of understanding with Alaska Peninsula Corp. for providing transportation and port operations support for the proposed project. Under the agreement, Alaska Peninsula Corp. would serve as the organizer of a consortium of key Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) village corporations in the...

  • Power line electricians lift bucket sunset Pebble copper gold energy Alaska

    Pebble wants to share affordable power

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    Nearing the end of the federal permitting process, Pebble Limited Partnership is now taking a harder look at how residents and businesses in the Bristol Bay region can benefit from low-cost energy that will be available at a future Pebble copper-gold mine. When the proposed mine was designed for the Pebble Partnership, engineers built in more natural gas and electricity capacity than the Pebble operation would need with the idea that the excess could be delivered to the wider...

  • Bristol Bay Alaska residents work at Pebble copper gold mine project dividend

    Pebble rolls out Bristol Bay dividend

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    Pebble Partnership has announced the creation of the Pebble Performance Dividend to distribute a percentage of the revenue generated from the operation of a mine at Pebble to year-round residents of Bristol Bay. "When we rolled out our new, smaller mine plan in 2017, I made a commitment to find a way to share the opportunity Pebble represents with the residents of Bristol Bay. While not everyone will want to work at the mine, this ensures a direct way for everyone to...

  • Alaska Native worker at Pebble copper gold mine project Bristol Bay

    Pebble mine could bolster Alaska economy

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. said its Pebble project could provide another source of jobs and revenue to an Alaska economy challenged by an interrelated combination of COVID-19 and low oil prices. Though fewer than 400 cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in Alaska, placing it among the lowest states in the country on an absolute and per capita basis, the economic impact of the global pandemic on the largest of the United States is both severe and ongoing. As a result of...

  • Alaska workers hike across Pebble copper gold mine project Bristol Bay

    Northern Dynasty raises US$12.3 million

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Sep 26, 2020

    Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. May 13 announced that it has raised C$17.35 million (US$12.3 million) to cover engineering, environmental, permitting and evaluation expenses associated with Pebble and advance the federal environmental impact study for the copper-gold-molybdenum mine project in Alaska to completion. Northern Dynasty raised the money in two concurrent financings – a C$10.1 million underwritten public offering and C$7.25 million private placement. Underwritten b...

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